Starting NOW!
Running hair: No one talks about running hair. It's absurd really. We discuss blisters, knee problems and hydration for hours on end, but no one addresses the hair. I bring it up mostly because until last week, when we ran 9 miles (yay!), I was under the impression that I looked absolutely stunning as I was jogging about Philadelphia. You've seen the girls before, with the perfect ponytail, and the coordinated outfit. . .I thought I was her, albeit a slower version, but her none-the-less. Until I got home and looked in the mirror, which apparently, I had never done before. This is what I saw:
Well, at least now I know that I can never really take myself too seriously. The good news is, that I really hadn't planned on it anyway.
I'll do anything for a t-shirt: Many people have heard me utter these words before, and truth be told, it may have been part of the reason I entered into the world of triathlon. Now I am running for a much bigger reason, and more important goal, but it doesn't make me love the t-shirts any less! Here's one we got from a 5 mile race this weekend. I finished in under an hour, which for me, was a really good run. Also, it was officially the longest road race we had ever competed in. Very exciting.
Ten miles loom for next week, but I am up for the challenge. I never thought I'd say this, but I think I am really beginning to enjoy running.
Go Abby, GO!! Thrilled to read about your training exploits. You are amazing! You will rock the 10-miles this weekend. Love the running hair. I will send a pic of my own. Those perfectly pony-tailed girls are joggers. Real runners have wacky hair. =-)